LED Spot Lights:

LED Movers:

Elation Professional PRO FS 15R Follow Spot Light (320 Watts)

Altman Phoenix Ellipsoidal LED Spot Light (250 Watts)

 LED Ellipsoidal Spot Light (200 Watts)

Chauvet Follow Spot 75 LED Spot Light
(75 Watts)

Chauvet Rogue 2 Spot LED Spot Light (230 Watts)

Elation Platinum FLX 20R Mover Chauvet Pro Rogue RH1 Hybrid LED Mover (330 Watts)

CHROME 324 LED Wash Mover
(324 Watts)

(60 Watts)

CHROME Mini Wash Mover
(54 Watts)

Chauvet Rogue 2 Beam LED Mover (230 Watts)

Chauvet Rogue 2 Spot LED Mover (230 Watts)

American DJ X-Move LED Mover (20 Watts)

Chauvet Intimidator Spot LED 150 Mover (15 Watts)

HyperScan LED Scanner (60 Watts)

CHROME 540 LED Wash Mover (540 Watts)

LED Up-Lighting:

Colorverse Thin Par
 (20 Watts)

Beam & Spot  Mover
(280 Watts)

Wireless LED Up-Lighting:

Colorverse ShowPar 24
(24 Watts)

Colorverse BigStik 
(30 Watts)

Wireless Chauvet EZ Par 64
(20 Watts)

Wireless Chauvet Freedom Par Hex 4 (40 Watts)
Wireless American DJ EXR Hex5 (50 Watts)

Wireless American DJ EXR QA5 (25 Watts)

Outdoor Weather Proof LED Lights:

Wireless Up-Light

HydroCast 108 LED –
“Weather-Proof” – 108 watts

Wireless Up-Light

Wireless ADJ EXR Hex5
(50 watts)

Wireless ADJ  EXR QA5
(25 watts)

LED Par Lights:

RoadDog Quad 192
LED Pars -192 watts

MiniPar Quad 56
LED Pars -56 watts

RoadDog Tour 162
LED Pars -162 watts

MiniPar 54
LED Pars -54 watts

ColorVibe Quad 144
LED Pars -144 watts

MiniPar 54vw
LED Pars -54 watts

LED Effect Lights:

American DJ Royal 3D II LED Laser Light

Chauvet Swarm 5 FX LED Laser Light

Chauvet Shadow LED Light

Showpar 24 UV Light
(24 watts)

Chauvet DJ Slim STRIP UV-9 
(8 watts)

Martin Jem MAGNUM 2500 Pro Haze Machine w/Fluid

NovaBlast Laser -18 watts

American DJ Mister Cool Fog Machine w/Fluid

Strobes -750 watts each (American DJ Mega Flash DMX)

Custom Gobo Lights:

Custom Message Gobos are made to order using personal names, company logos, wedding initials or images.

Chauvet hurricane haze 3d pro hazer


LET'S TALK ABOUT YOUR VISIONGet started on the path to your ultimate party or event right now.Contact us for more rental information PHONE: 404-310-3959